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How To Fix The Pack name is invalid error :Fixed

Generally every One Faces The "pack name is invalid"
This is a very common problem that is faced by most of the users while using the Disk Management Utility in Windows Vista , Windows 7 or in Windows 8.You might face an error like “pack name is invalid” while converting Basic Disk into Dynamic Disk using the Windows Disk management Utility and is a very known common Microsoft Windows issue. Basic Disk and Dynamic Disk are the type of hard disk configuration in Microsoft Windows. A Basic Disk makes use of Primary partition for the storage of Windows files , Extended Partitions and logical drives for organizing the data whereas Dynamic disk consists of large number of dynamic volumes about 2000 volumes that works like Primary partition Drives as use on Basic disks. Generally personal computers uses Basic Disks whereas Dynamic disks are used in IT industries by professional users. “pack name is invalid” error generally occurs when you use NON-ASCII characters for your Computer’s name and thus this error is commonly found in Countries like China or Japan. Also found in Korean computers because they generally tend to use NON-ASCII characters. You may also face this error while using one or more double-byte characters. Therefore Microsoft Recommends using only ASCII characters for the name of your computer or files or folders etc. So here is a simple solution to solve this error and hence convert your basic Disk into Dynamic Disk easily.Know more about Basic Disk and Dynamic Disks What are Basic Disk and Dynamic Disks KnowHow to convert Basic Disk into Dynamic Disk

Fix Pack name is invalid Error :

1) First of all you need to open the System Properties of your computer. You can open the System properties by typing the command sysdm.cpl in RUN DIALOG BOX. Press Win(Windows) + R to open the RUN DIALOG BOX

*Alternatively you can open the system properties by going to Computer and then do a right click and then select Properties as shown below

  • Then a new Window will open where on the left hand side you see option like Device Manger, Remote settings, System Protection, Advanced System settings as shown below

  • Now choose Advanced System settings and then it will open system Properties Windows as shown below
  •  Now select Computer Name and Click on Change button as shown below
  •  Now type a New name for your Computer and make sure to don’t type any NON-ASCII characters or double byte character. Just type any simple Computer name without using the NON-ASCII characters
  •  Apply the changes and Click OK
  •  Now Restart your computer so that the effects can take place
  •  You have now successfully fixed “pack name is invalid” error and now you can convert your Basic Disk into Dynamic Disk

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