Sunny Leone is finally set to make her Tollywood debut. If buzz is to be believed, the actress will be seen in Manchu Manoj's next, Current Theega, which is being directed by G Nageshwara Reddy. According to sources close to the actor, Sunny has been approached to play a crucial role in the film and she has reportedly agreed to act in the movie. "The news is true. Sunny has been approached for the film and she has signed on the dotted line. The makers will make a formal announcement soon," revealed the source.
Last year, when she came to Hyderabad for the promotion of her Hindi film, Sunny revealed her plans of acting in Telugu movies. "I've been offered meaty roles in Tollywood. There is one script I really liked. Talks are in progress and if things fall in place, I'll sign on the dotted line soon," she had said. It's not yet clear if she was referring to Manchu Manoj's film, but her debut in Tollywood has already become a talking point in film circles. The Telugu movie also stars Rakul Preet in a lead role,apart from Jagapathi Babu.
Meanwhile, rumours are rife that Sunny is also in talks with Kannan, a Tamil filmmaker, to dance in a special song in Oru Oorla Rendu Raja.
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